How many policies does your organisation have?
Do you review them regularly?
Do they align with the purpose of your organisaiton?
Do they comply with legislation?
Do they reflect the current political and social trends?
Yes, there are thousands of policy templates on the internet. There are some great frameworks. But there are many, many very weak policies too, and standard templates are often insufficient to reflect your organisation.
Your policies need to reflect the work of your organsiation, your staff and your service users, otherwise it will just be a document that sits there with no purpose.
Developing effective organisational policies is quite a complex operation. You need to consider the objectives of your organisaiton, the views of your Trustees and stakeholders, legal requirements, how the work of the organsiation fits into local, regional, national and global trends.
EPITOME provides a service that analyses your needs by reviewing previous policies, reviewing current and future priorities, consultation with stakeholders and examining trends within the environment that you work.
Some of the policies that we can prepare for you include: